ShipsDek Care and Situations to Avoid...
To clean dirt, footprints, suntan lotion, fish blood etc. from your ShipsDek, use an all purpose cleaner or degreaser, and warm water along with a medium bristled deck brush. Work around until dirt, etc. comes up. Rinse with water. Repeat if necessary.
Other products safe to use on ShipsDek 100% PE foam decking include: boat soap, specialized foam deck cleaner products, or any degreaser.
Spills and messes on the decking. Clean immediately to reduce possible staining. Some materials can stain the decking if not promptly removed. Examples include: mustard, ketchup, fish hooks left to rust, fish blood, bird droppings, etc.
Long-term storage of items on the decking such as inflatable pool toys, tools or water bottles. Keep decking away from reflective surfaces or from under glass. These objects can refract/reflect light, thereby concentrating the beams to a level which can be destructive to the decking.
Check out our ShipsDek cleaning videos...
Boat Soap
Pressure Washer
Light Amplification
The sun can reflect off gel-coat surfaces and damage your decking. For certain applications and under certain conditions, decking applied in the cockpit and other areas with vertical surfaces and/or reflecting off hardware/stainless, gloss, etc., can expose ShipsDek to temperatures above the operational temperature of 80°C (176°F).
ShipsDek is durable, but for longevity after installation, it is recommended that the boat (or any other surface of application) be covered. (Examples include keeping the boat: in a garage, covered with a canvas boat cover, in a covered boat slip/shed, etc). Reducing longer term exposure to the elements, when not in use, will help extend the life of your decking and reduce color fade.
Light amplification is not covered under ShipsDek's standard warranty. However, we are happy to work with you to help mitigate and prevent light amplification burns before they can occur. We have helped many customer's in the past avoid these issues by coming up with fun and unique designs to dull the sun's impact on your decking.